
World of Alessia Campaign Primer for 5e D&D & Starfinder

Created by Jaye Sonia

The official BackerKit for The World of Alessia Kickstarter.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Updated 5e Primer!
almost 4 years ago – Sun, Jul 05, 2020 at 06:29:07 PM

TL/DR: We updated the 5e PDF with a host of corrections.

We Updated The Primer!

Good afternoon backers and fans!

As some of you already know (having gotten an email last night from DriveThruRPG), we updated the 5e version of the PDF yesterday; if you had already looked at the previous one, you'll note this version looks different and uses slightly different trade dress (it uses the Starfinder layout). This is because we had to completely rebuild the book to fix some internal layout errors, and updated both versions. After quickly discussing my idea with Jere in mid-June, he agreed and I spent two solid weeks rebuilding what you can buy right now

Backers, please note: I will be posting another "backers only" post with links for your free copy (if you don't already have it). If you've messaged me recently, you'll see links for PDFs later today.

So, what's the new book look like?

While it saddens me the proofing team and editor missed a few things during our last pass, several awesome backers noted important oversights that we were able to correct in our next pass; I think this PDF is even better than the previous version and thanks to everyone involved, I feel as if it will impact our gaming spaces and environments in wonderful ways. 

Is this game perfect? No. But it is an effort and with it, a proof of concept; while Storm Bunny Studios is a small company, it doesn't take much to collaborate from afar, contributing independent content that changes the space for the better.  We know we don't need to continually recycle racial conflicts just to build our fantasy worlds. We never have.

It's literally called fantasy. You can do... Whatever. You. Want.

I don't say that to be provocative or to suggest we ignore the constraints of design but rather to remind GMs, content creators, and players that we are only constrained by our imaginations and those willing to support our dreams. While a lot of staunch traditionalists will hold tightly to their visions of "realism" or "classic" fantasy in gaming, the wave is cresting and no amount of grasping at the past will change it...

...modern players want something different.

Alessia is different in what both Jere and I hope are the best kinds of ways. Everything about this setting clashes and contrasts my original world (Rhune: Dawn of Twilight) on nearly every front: where Rhune barrels towards Ragnarök and pits two ideologies at odds, Alessia has arisen victorious from its cataclysmic past, its various species achieving harmony and turning their focus on larger, more terrible foes. While there are cultural conflicts with strong ideological frames in Rhune (tech vs. nature, good vs. evil, tradition vs. progress, and so on) that Alessia doesn't explore; instead, we focus on the Empire of Xian, looking at much of Alessia (but not all of Alessia) through that filter. 

More Stories to Tell

While finishing this (again) feels wonderful for me, both Jere and I know this is only the beginning. We discuss a lot in this primer. But we had to live a lot out, too. Our budget (and plans) when we launched this book was for a smaller, concise primer that packed a lot. We aimed for 260 pages. After months of agonizing edits and re-writes, we eventually caved and added tons of additional content, bringing the current book to 334 pages. 

But we're still not done.

Over the next few months, the whole team is turning its efforts toward finishing the Starfinder conversion, at which point we have a slew of smaller products we need to prep and publish for backers, Given the state of things in America, I feel less concerned about turning this on late and a sense of relief in simply bringing this book into being; it's been a journey.

More Lore | More Adventure

One of the gaming concepts Jere and I long ago embraced was that we're in no way locked into any single approach to delivering the World Of Alessia to you. While we're using the traditional print and PDF bundle for this Kickstarter, we're also working on developing more public resources on our website, as well as improving the content we make available for gamers exploring Alessia.

As such. we're designing (and laying out) our future adventures to help show both GMs and players this larger world, both from the lives of the people in those cultures and from a larger, more objective perspective. Our hope is to tailor each adventure to showcase our favorite parts of Alessia while showcasing the world's continued need for heroes. 

Foes like the Orgothii threaten the people of Alessia.

Because there will be foes.

Happy 4th of July everyone!


Jaye and Jere!

The Summer Update | We made the book better!
almost 4 years ago – Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 09:38:11 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

A Vast Difference | Weird Space
almost 4 years ago – Fri, Jun 05, 2020 at 05:43:33 PM

TL//DR: We're adding more team members to expedite the SF conversion. We're updating the 5e version of the PDF again, as well. 

The June Update | The Peacekeeper

Good afternoon backers!

So, wow - where to begin?

Somehow, we moved from a global pandemic to widespread riots in less than a week; things are very, very tense in America at the moment. While things are peaceful in my community, centuries of aggression against minorities (with a disproportionate number of those crimes committed against African American) here in America has hit a boiling point in some communities, which has turned to widespread rioting and fires. Worse, it appears that some peaceful protests have been highjacked by opportunists and agent provocateurs - individuals who are seeking division for any number of potential agendas.

So, yeah, things have been weird here.

Like a lot of my fellow Americans, I've been watching in horror as law enforcement officers around our country have attacked, run-down, and shot citizens, often escalating already troubled relationships or tense situations; everyone seems to be behaving in the worst possible ways. Likewise, I've watched as small businesses - businesses not much different from my own - have burned to the ground. It appears bad actors on both sides are more concerned with destruction and division than they are anything else...

That's scary.

I don't share this with you to offer political commentary on current events here in America, but instead to talk about the Peacekeeper - our vision of what civil, peace officers look like. While our vision may remain sadly fantasy in our current era (at least here in America), we hold hope that through play, discourse, discussion, empathy, and through direct engagement with one another, we'll learn to transform that sad reality into a beautiful future accessible, open, and possible for everyone who shares our world.

Image by Angel Huerta. Copyright Jere Manninen & Storm Bunny Studios, 2020

The Peacekeepers

I want to talk about the Peacekeepers because they are central to the Empire of Xian's power but serve in roles that truly spread peace, Light, and security; they see themselves as civil servants who have been called to hold together the society's highest values. Alessia's Peacekeepers have a code that they all live by, not because falling from it robs them of power, but because they understand their roles in the larger social fabric; they aim to uphold their end of the social contract with honor.

They also, by default, seek to de-escalate violent situations whenever possible. This is one of the cornerstone values of Alessia, especially within the Empire's borders. If you look on page 173 of the current PDF, you'll read:  "

"While marauders employ force, violence, and chaos to create change in the world around them, peacekeepers have an older, more ordered approach they endorse. Moreover, peacekeepers train daily in a variety of methods and fighting styles designed to take down targets without inflicting much physical violence. Peacekeepers almost always seek to subdue first, shoot second." 

I also discuss this in the sidebar on page 176 (see the Dev Lore sidebar), explaining how some of that impacts the world, while also giving GMs and players are another perspective, as well.

The Peacekeeper's Code

Image by Angel Huerta. Copyright Jere Manninen & Storm Bunny Studios, 2020

While I cannot imagine anyone would ever place the Peacekeepers in a fascist-styled role, both Jere and I recognize we can only be proactive in our design in regards to Alessia. In doing that, we made sure we included The Peacekeeper's Code in the World of Alessia Campaign Primer so that both GMs and players would know the role these excellent individuals fill in the Empire of Xian

The Peacekeeper’s Code takes the form of a 7-pointed star, each point representing one of the 7 virtues Peacekeepers live by. These virtues are:

Just Actions. Peacekeepers must seek justice and act with courage, knowing they have the full support of the Light on their side.

Respectful Compassion. Peacekeepers are commanded to respect and aid the citizens of the Empire of Xian, no matter the place or situation.

Honorable Pride. Peacekeepers are known by their deeds, actions, and words – they should take honor in all they do. No actions should bring shame on them or the empire.

Sincere Loyalty. Peacekeepers are expected to act with sincerity, dedication, and loyalty – to the Empire of Xian and the Light it champions.

Hopeful Trust. Peacekeepers should spread law, hope, and faith in the Light and the Empire. Even when lost or confused by their orders, the Peacekeepers must trust in the Light.

A Dedication to Self.  The Empire of Xian expects Peacekeepers to dedicate themselves to self-improvement on all fronts; to be a service to others, they must become like the cities they serve – cornerstones of strength.

Compassionate Control. While others look for the easiest paths to victory, Peacekeepers are expected to seek the best path forward for all, seeking to preserve their enemies’ lives whenever possible.

Pushing Forward on Starfinder

Last week, Jere and I brought three new Starfinder developers to help expedite our conversion, which we're still hoping to complete by the end of summer. We will be sharing more in a few weeks. My personal hope is, much like the 5e version of the book, is to share it with backers before going to print, to ensure we catch as many problematic elements as possible.

This Work in Progress displays one of the dragonsworn. Image by Shy Sketch.

From Jere's Corner

Good afternoon everyone! 

I hope everyone has been enjoying the book these past few weeks. I know I have! I'm also working on my campaign, too. Have you already started your own campaigns in the world of Alessia? 

Today, I wanted to talk about evolution because it is an important theme in Alessia. Many species exist today thanks to their closeness to the Crystal Lattice, that proximity boosting many peoples' evolutionary nature quite a bit. This has benefited many species but none more so than the Elath. The Elath was one of the first species I designed for Alessia, and represent what a lot of the core concepts I wanted to explore in Alessia. As evolved elves, the Elath is incredibly important in this regard. 

Because 'regular' elves still exist. The Elath show you how these evolutionary trends might develop; any of these species might take a different path.

As for the Elath, their evolution took place faster because they choose to mine the Crystal Lattice early in their lives, and with each passing year (and generation), these special elves began to physically change, growing and evolving in specific ways. The Elath grow long horns on their foreheads, which in the beginning were quite small but grow longer as time went on. Their skins took to more crystallin hues. As for their minds, the Elath developed psionic abilities, one of which became the most common among their kind, which is the telepathic communication. This in turn played an important part in the way their communities developed in the following centuries. Communities among Elath are very open and people often work together to accomplish things. You can see people gathering in circles as they share and communicate their feelings and thoughts. 

This openness has changed their society in positive ways. While crime is low in Alessia, it is especially low in these communities; a focus on openness and tolerance has, combined with centuries of psionic abilities, has simply given them a different culture and life. While open, Elath communities place most of their faith and trust in one another, taking their time before allowing in outsiders. Communities often have three levels of trust: Ha’o meaning “Family”, Yu’Hao meaning “Almost like Family,” and Dan’ho meaning “Community.” 

 When outsiders who lack psionic abilities seek these circles out, the community will often combine their powers and efforts, welcoming in those who have never experienced the joy of a true "meeting of the minds" as Dan'ho for a short time, extending their powers to them. The Elath pride themselves on this ability, which they share through community and culture.

Image by Angel Huerta. Copyright Jere Manninen & Storm Bunny Studios, 2020

Closing Thoughts

The real world is scary now. That's something both Jere and I get. We've been very mindful, from the beginning of this project, of our privilege, as well as what we're trying to build. In terms of accessibility and wonder, nearly all of Alessia has been aimed at creating a different kind of experience for gamers - one whose default themes don't rely on racism (elf vs. dwarf vs. orc) or hatred to establish conflicts.

We both want to live in a world a little more like Alessia, where your species, race, or the color of your skin matter far less; we both want to live in a world with more love.

In solidarity, we both say #BlackLivesMatter. 

Our best,

Jaye & Jere

The Physical Proof Arrived! | Delayed Shipping | Primer Fixes
about 4 years ago – Fri, May 15, 2020 at 07:08:22 PM

TL/DR: The proof copy arrived with some cover issues we need to fix. Likewise, printing and shipping times continue to be impacted by COVID-19, with delays up to 28 days. 

The Primer! It Lives!

Happy Friday Backers,

As you can see from the image below, the print proof copy of the World of Alessia Campaign Primer arrived yesterday, and let me tell you - we're excited to finally see this beast of a book in print! Because let me tell you, this project required a great deal more effort than either Jere or I originally anticipated!

But as you can see below, the book lives!

It lives!

::::::::: Jaye cackles maniacally as lightning strikes the magitech antenna above his lab :::::

The very first copy arrived at my house yesterday. It wasn't bad, but it had issues.

As you can see from the red circles I added to the image, the cover has two issues we need to fix before we can turn on the Print on Demand option for backers or order any books. We'll be fixing the cover issues over the weekend, as well as a handful of internal errors the team missed (but our attentive backers discovered), as well. Our goal is to resubmit the files to our printer by Wednesday so that we can get a new proof copy ordered ASAP. 


As I've mentioned in previous updates, we're behind by a couple of months on the Starfinder version, but making progress. Earlier this week, we brought two additional Starfinder developers on the team to help expedite the process, and with their help, we're hopeful we'll be able to close that gap and have the Starfinder copy ready by the end of summer. 

We know people are excited and we want this book in your hands as soon as it is humanly possible, so we absolutely appreciate your continued patience and understanding.

Supporting PDFs - A Note from Jere

Hello everyone!

I hope everyone has been busy reading the PDF version of the book and is enjoying it as much as we have enjoyed creating it. 

Now that the PDF is in your hands, Jaye and I are transfering our focus on the next thing in the list, which is the conversion for Starfinder and the additional products we hit on our strech goals. To quicken the process, we decided to split our focus into two groups. Jaye and his small team have been working on completing the Starfinder compatible version of the World of Alessia Campaign Primer. Meanwhile, I've been working on the adventures and other supporting PDFs, including a Creatures of Alessia supplement that we didn't plan as part of the Kickstarter, but which we absolutely need to get to GMs regardless.

As for the adventures themselves, we've designed these so that player characters can experience some of the key locations in Alessia. We have a lot of content we want to share, so making sure we hit a lot of those individual points is an important goal - we have so much more to show you all! Our first adventure will start in Empire of Xian and will show you how some of the cities in Alessia look, how organizations like Peacekeepers function, and why places like Alessia need heroes to help!

As for other things, I really want to expand our selection of weapons, armor and othe cool magitech devices found in Alessia, as well as expand on the Lore of various species and places. in this regard I would love to hear your thoughts, which part of the Alessia would you like to know more about. 

What are some things you would love to see in a bigger, expanded book?


In Closing

We know people wanted to see more in this book, but we're already way over our costs at this point and we've already added 80 more pages of content than we originally planned (and that's after our stretch goals), so all additional content will go in the future, expanded PDFs.



PS... I will post a separate update for senior backers getting premium editions of the book.

Another Quick Update
about 4 years ago – Fri, May 01, 2020 at 03:56:15 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.